Our boutique agency has competed against some of the biggest firms in the world—and won! We've been internationally recognized for superior achievement in branding, reputation, and engagement strategies. A few of our favourite projects so far:
Yes, there is a better way to talk about sexual harassment. That’s why #momentsmatter promotes positive culture change as the best path to prevention. Based on feedback from 80+ province-wide partners (including post-secondary, police, business, and not-for-profit), 42% of participants reported acting to improve culture and prevent or address sexual harassment at work.
Keep it REAL
Eighty percent of people who experience family violence turn to friends and family for support. A large majority (71%) of people want to help, but only about half (51%) feel confident in doing so, and about one-third (37%) feel equipped to recognize the signs. Through relatable stories and role models, Keep It REAL helped build the skills and confidence of informal responders after only 8 weeks.
This campaign led a dramatic shift in public attitudes toward believing survivors of sexual assault. The impressive outcomes helped campaign grow funding from $100,000 to $1.5 m. and agency funding from $4 m. to $16 m.
Canada Powered By Women
Identifying a political knowledge gap between men and women, CPBW registered as a third party advertiser to increase understanding of the big issues and encourage more women to be active in politics. Media stories reached over 2 million readers with 250 pieces of online and offline media coverage. Social reach included over 2 million impressions and just over 825,000 unique accounts.
Social harmony
The Canadian Social Harmony Index benchmarked Canadians’ willingness to accommodate different points of view and find common ground. Across regions and gender, the findings were surprisingly consistent: 63% said that like-minded people should be willing to listen to others and compromise; 73% said they would personally seek to find common understanding with others, even if they had different beliefs; 82% said our differences are not so large that we cannot find middle ground.
The Alex
We helped The Alex, previously one of Calgary’s best kept secrets, tell a bolder story about its smart social solutions. Within four years, it went from $10M to $20M in annual revenues, and is now one of our city’s best-known and most influential community agencies.
Supporting the hotel industry
Our work with the Calgary Hotel Association led to better public understanding of the significance of the industry on tourism and the role of hotels in creating community, and helped the Association maintain direction of the multi-million Destination Marketing Fund.
Shop the Neighbourhood
Shopping local helps everyone. Combined with activity in Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, and Ottawa, this Yellow Pages Canada project engaged 750,000 Canadians to shop local on the day between Black Friday and Cyber Monday, generating almost $90 million for local economies on a single day.
To this day
International promotion of the To This Day video resulted in international media attention, 25 million YouTube views, and an invitation to the Ted X national conference.
Where’s the beef?
As consumers demand more information about the history of their food, getting the cattle industry to re-think its approach to data sharing was critical for its growth and sustainability. We helped promote Canada’s first program for verifying humane, environmentally friendly beef production that pays producers a premium for verified products.
Charity Intelligence
When Charity Intelligence released its report on “best bet” charities from Calgary, we made sure donors took notice. Over 40 per cent of the agency’s national web traffic came from Calgary, resulting in a $1M donation to the six charities named in the report.
Preventing family violence
Using a combination of research, digital, and traditional media, we helped this collective of 16 local agencies double its call volumes year after year.
Below the belt health
Working with a team from the Calgary Health Trust, Calgary Health Region, and the University of Calgary, we helped promote the $28 million campaign for the Southern Alberta Institute for Urology (SAIU), funded exclusively with philanthropic dollars.